Alone With You

Alone With You

| C- | Fantastic Fest 2021 | This film started out promising, building up an interesting mystery that is probably supernatural, teasing out possible clues or at least strange occurrences.…
Let The Wrong One In

Let The Wrong One In

| C | Fantastic Fest 2021 | No trailer was available, but there were several things to give me high hopes for this movie: Irish comedy, title referencing one of…
Masking Threshold

Masking Threshold

| A | Fantastic Fest 2021 | This was a fascinating, fascinating movie. If it's an experimental movie, it's a successful one. Yes, the whole film is like the trailer--stream…


| B | Fantastic Fest 2021 | The trailer didn't really impress me, but I decided to take a chance. (Probably because FF said it was the "Winner 'Best Film'…


| D | Fantastic Fest 2020 | Another disappointment. I remember after finishing this film feeling like I did not have the energy or desire to write this up, maybe…


| D | Fantastic Fest 2020 | And Celebration of Fantastic Fest is off to a rocky start. Yes, this was a different werewolf movie. But not in many good…
Dead Dicks

Dead Dicks

| B | Other Worlds Austin 2019 | I had hoped Dicks = detectives, but it meant Richards. Still, an interesting and engrossing film with weird things happening and nice…


| D | Other Worlds Austin 2019 | Sorry, not my cup of tea. Nice that the director got to use his special needs sister in a film, but half…
The Wretched

The Wretched

| B+ | Austin Film Festival 2019 | My kind of horror movie! Not “there’s a jump around every corner,” not “who knows why all this weird stuff is happening.”…
After Midnight

After Midnight

| B+ | Fantastic Fest 2019 | I really enjoyed this one. Expect 40% monster movie, 60% relationship movie. But the writing, direction, and acting were thoroughly engaging. There was…