

| B | Austin Film Festival 2023 | I enjoyed this interesting examination of friendship and preparing for death. The premise comes with conflict built in—one friend is ill and…


| B | Austin Film Festival | Honestly, I was very tired and falling asleep during part of this movie. Not the movie's fault at all—just film festival exhaustion setting…
Bucky F*cking Dent

Bucky F*cking Dent

| A- | Austin Film Festival 2023 | So well done! A beautiful and touching script. Excellent acting. (Stephanie Beatriz had one particularly notable scene.) Overall an impressive movie from…
The Altman Method

The Altman Method

| C | Fantastic Fest 2023 | Hmm... Fantastic Fest's description called this a "black comedy," but I would label it a "grey drama." They also said it was "nuanced,"…
Restore Point

Restore Point

| B | Fantastic Fest 2023 | Very good science fiction movie, coming at you from the Czech Republic. I only point out the source because the director said it’s…


| C | Fantastic Fest 2023 | A serviceable crime thriller. Definitely did not spoon feed you everything up front, but wrapped everything up in the end. Fairly stylish (though…
Between Before

Between Before

| C | Other Worlds 2022 | A disappointing ending to the festival. I just couldn’t buy into everything that was going on. I was fine with the science fiction…


| C | Other Worlds 2022 | Beautifully filmed. Intriguing approach to dialog (all made up language for this post-apocalyptic future). Nice use of the polar bear. And another kid…
The Lost King

The Lost King

| A- | Austin Film Festival 2022 | A very good movie, but what else would you expect from co-writer Steve Coogan and director Stephen Frears? It's a dramatization of…
Country Gold

Country Gold

| C | Fantastic Fest 2022 | This writer/director has a distinctive, I would say odd, voice. The film was at turns surreal or absurd or philosophical or a fever…