Blood Punch

Blood Punch

| B- | Austin Film Festival 2013 | If only the first half of this movie was as clever as the last half, this might have been my favorite film…
All Cheerleaders Die

All Cheerleaders Die

| D | Austin Film Festival 2013 | Ugh. Look, this film tried to be different so I have to give it a little credit. But too much teen drama,…
Black Swan

Black Swan

| A | Austin Film Festival 2010 | This is a terrific movie. Visually fascinating. And the whole time throughout it I was wondering what the F was going on--not…
The Revenant

The Revenant

| B | Fantastic Fest 2009 | The third of the zombie comedies from this past week. A strange mix of expected events and wildly creative ones. And the suddenly…


| B | Fantastic Fest 2009 | An interesting take on the conflicts between the genders. And funny. (Interesting how all three of the zombie movies I saw this week…


| A | Fantastic Fest 2009 | Great film! Delivered all the way through to the end! (Originally not rated.) Trailer IMDB