| C | Fantastic Fest 2021 |

No trailer was available, but there were several things to give me high hopes for this movie: Irish comedy, title referencing one of the best vampire movies ever made (Let The Right One In), and Anthony Stewart Head from Buffy The Vampire Slayer.

Unfortunately, it was an average movie. Only a couple of (very minor) new twists on the vampire genre. More of a comedy about family tensions, exacerbated by the fact that one of the sons is now a vampire.

There were a number of good laughs but they were often throwaway gags and weren’t enough to carry the whole movie. It also didn’t help that I was having problems understanding the thick accents at times (which may be my aging hearing as much as anything). I tried turning on closed captioning but the captions were about two minutes ahead of the dialog so didn’t help–hopefully that’s just a sign of rushing a print out the door to meet the festival deadline.
