The Bystanders

The Bystanders

| B | Austin Film Festival 2022 | An amusing movie about our guardian angels, with the tag line "They watch over us but they can't stand us." Occasionally laugh-out-loud,…
Magic Spot

Magic Spot

| B | Fantastic Fest 2022 | There's a group of folks (a troupe, perhaps) that call themselves Motern Media. Magic Spot was my first experience with them even though…
Sick Of Myself

Sick Of Myself

| B+ | Fantastic Fest 2022 | A marvelous black comedy! The tone was perfect. Such awful things were happening and I was laughing the whole way through it. It's…
Smoking Causes Coughing

Smoking Causes Coughing

| B | Fantastic Fest 2022 | SMOKING CAUSES COUGHING  This writer/director (Quentin Dupieux) definitely makes odd films. I found this one to be more grounded than his others I’ve…
Keeping Company

Keeping Company

| B | Other Worlds 2021 | This movie had a lot going on in it. As it approached the end it started to branch out in multiple directions but…


| C+ | Other Worlds 2021 | The premise sounded interesting: Madeline and Owen have invented time travel, but after discovering a mistake in the code that causes a copy…
Rehab Cabin

Rehab Cabin

| B+ | Austin Film Festival 2021 | Another fun comedy. One of those films that isn't so much about the situations the main characters get themselves into, but watching…
He’s Dead & So Am I

He’s Dead & So Am I

| B | Austin Film Festival 2021 | A goofy comedy about two ghosts trapped in Purgatory, which means they're stuck where they died until they prove whether they should…
Let The Wrong One In

Let The Wrong One In

| C | Fantastic Fest 2021 | No trailer was available, but there were several things to give me high hopes for this movie: Irish comedy, title referencing one of…