| B | Fantastic Fest 2023 |

Great fun! The main actor actually owns the last video store in Edmonton, Alberta, and his friends have been making short films about him and his store for ten years. And now finally this feature film.

Understand these are not documentaries. The shorts tended to be science fiction comedies, I think. This feature was a horror comedy. Think Evil Dead, but bringing B-movie characters to life instead of demons. It was creative, funny, and had decent special effects considering its (I assume) low budget. And the video store owner does a great job as the lead for this style of film.

Of course they had to make up their own movie franchises for the characters they wanted to use. And also a ton of titles for the shelves—those were fun to watch for and guess what real-life movie they were spoofing. (Curiously, most of the posters on the walls were from real-life movies.)

These guys all obviously love what they’re doing, and are doing it quite well.
