| F | Austin Film Festival 2022 |

Bother. From the trailer, this looked like a uniquely visual movie and I was excited to see it. It was visual, but I could not make head nor tail of the story.

A little girl ends up in a coma, but what are we being shown in the movie? Her dreams while she is out? Many things looked way too adult for her young mind to cobble together. Is she in a purgatory or limbo between worlds? If so, why is everything so random? With some things tied to her life in the real world, but others not.

It’s possible if I would have stayed to the end everything would have been explained. But I need clues and a few answers (even if they turn out to be misdirects) along the way. This movie was feeling like someone had a bunch of ideas for interesting visuals, but needed a reason to string them together (and came up with a poor reason).
