| D | Austin Film Festival |

I’m not sure why this film was made. I don’t go to a lot of movies in this “lone woman against psychos” genre, but it did not feel like there was anything new in this one. Nor very much that was surprising.

The filmmakers screwed themselves over somewhat with their description of the film in the program guide, which hinted at the biggest twist so I was watching for it and saw it coming a mile off. It was also boring when, after this big reveal, we had to go back and trace what all the other characters were doing through the previous 20 minutes of the film—including re-experiencing what our main character had been going through but from the other characters’ side.

I have some other complaints about illogical choices characters made, and the sound quality which often made it hard for me to hear the dialog. But the “last straw” for me was the bad guy’s motivations for his actions. We were presented with a smorgasbord of choices, any one of which might have been justified but when piled together just made the antagonist feel like a giant plot device so we could have a movie.

I usually hang around for Q&A periods even when I did not enjoy the movie, just to see if the filmmakers can redeem themselves through their discussions about skills or intentions. This time I couldn’t even bear to give them the chance.
