| A | Other Worlds Austin 2020 |

I was thoroughly engaged by this film. The main character starts out clueless (as we all are in movies about worlds beyond ours, even if only slightly in the future like this one). And he and we learn more about the system in place and the manipulation and hurdles employed by the keepers of the system. All while dealing with their impacts on his personal life.

On the other hand, he lucks into a cheat that helps him out some. Is he justified, given how the system is rigged? Or is he just stooping to their level? It’s a grey area.

I only had one complaint about the script, which was a minor “convenience” to glue some things together near the end–but it did not ruin the story. Both the main actors did terrific jobs–Dean Imperial channeling an ineffective Tony Soprano, and Madeline Wise who I’ve enjoyed in everything I’ve seen her in. And I appreciated the setting–out in the woods but with enough touches of tech around to emphasize how this isn’t quite today’s world. Kudos all around!

(December 2020 was very busy for me so I didn’t take the time to write my reviews then. This one was written a few months later.)
