| C | Other Worlds Austin 2014 |

This movie was such a mixed bag. Positive: the narrative structure was interesting (two timelines plus a documentary, but you had no problems telling them apart) and the acting was good. Neutral: the story allowed the characters to debate the use of genetic testing to breed out genetically inherited diseases, although it sometimes got long-winded and preachy here. Negative: It wasn’t a science fiction movie (which infuriated my movie-going companion to no end), as the technology they presented has been around for years. Also, several things were glossed over in the interest of getting the characters to a certain point, or sometimes due to the writer’s ignorance/lack of research. (As a software engineer, I know that you can determine who introduced a specific bug into software–but they apparently didn’t know how.)

I can’t recommend or not recommend this film. You’ll have to decide for yourself based on this mini-review and whatever you can Google for yourself. But it is available for viewing from several Internet sources.

(Originally rated 3 stars.)
