| B | Fantastic Fest 2019 | The first 90% of the film is just fun. You wonder if there really is a story here, but don’t mind if there…
The Cleansing Hour

The Cleansing Hour

| B+ | Fantastic Fest 2019 } A good, solid horror movie. Good hook, some eye roll moments, but a very satisfying ending. Good production values, SFX, and female lead.…


| B+ | Other Worlds Austin 2018 | A fun movie not quite like any other I’ve seen. A little bit of a throwback to some of the ‘80s alien…
White Chamber

White Chamber

| B | Other Worlds Austin 2018 | A wartime thriller (in the near future) with an odd juke or two. But serviceable script, good acting and directing—worth a watch.…
The Dead Center

The Dead Center

| B | Other Worlds Austin 2018 | Finally, a movie where weird things happened but consistently and with enough detail to let you think you know what’s going on.…
Ghost Light

Ghost Light

| B+ | Austin Film Festival 2018 | A highly amusing movie! Loved Cary Elwes as the actor who doesn’t know how to act, plus several other familiar faces. Excellent…
Beyond the Night

Beyond the Night

| B | Austin Film Festival 2018 | Good movie presenting a supernatural concept in a very grounded world. Well thought out and executed, with a very good six-year-old actor.…
You Might Be The Killer

You Might Be The Killer

| B | Fantastic Fest 2018 | Okay, back to good movies again! I really enjoyed this different take on slasher flicks. Humorous, but not a spoof, which I enjoyed.…