It’s A Disaster

It’s A Disaster

| A | Austin Film Festival 2012 | This was hilarious! When it comes out, go see it! (Originally rated 4 stars.) Trailer IMDB
Free Samples

Free Samples

| A+ | Austin Film Festival 2012 | Finally, one of the comedies is based in reality. This character actually had multiple layers, and was using wisecracks and insults to…
Pictures Of Superheroes

Pictures Of Superheroes

| B- | Austin Film Festival 2012 | A lot of the comedies this year are "quirky," as in they show a distorted reality that you have to let yourself…
The Last Man(s) On Earth

The Last Man(s) On Earth

| B | Austin Film Festival 2012 | I seem to be hitting all the comedies early this year. This one was also funny, and very offbeat. Consistent in its…


| B- | Austin Film Festival 2012 | This was a funny, enjoyable film. With some funny dramatizations of the movies they were considering pitching. (Originally rated 3 stars.) Trailer…
Sparrows Dance

Sparrows Dance

| A | Austin Film Festival 2012 | I arrived too late to catch the movie I wanted in this time slot, so settled for this one instead. And was…
Bad Parents

Bad Parents

| D | Austin Film Festival 2012 | Sadly, this movie did not live up to its promise. Garofalo, Titus, and (especially) Oteri did the best they could, but the…
Missed Connections

Missed Connections

| B | Austin Film Festival 2012 | A nice intimate Indie comedy. Plot was workable, but the characters were zany and well acted. (I think they said many of…
Some Guy Who Kills People

Some Guy Who Kills People

| B | Austin Film Festival 2011 | Wow, serial killer movie with a sense of humor. Almost every character in this movie was a smart-ass with funny lines. I…


| C | Austin Film Festival 2011 | I like using the original Shakesperian language in modern settings. But I think I know why this is not one of Shakespeare's…