| C | Other Worlds Austin 2018 | Just another case where I am out of touch with the film festival crowd... I will give this movie points for raising…
The Dead Center

The Dead Center

| B | Other Worlds Austin 2018 | Finally, a movie where weird things happened but consistently and with enough detail to let you think you know what’s going on.…


| D | Other Worlds Austin 2018 | This movie pissed me off! It was not well directed and seemed way longer than 86 minutes. But the story had laid…
The Axiom

The Axiom

| C | Other Worlds Austin 2018 | I have grown disinterested in movies where a lot of weird stuff happens just because. My sense of it (especially after the…
The Front Runner

The Front Runner

| A- | Austin Film Festival 2018 | A very interesting dissection of a very complex topic. Director Jason Reitman does a great job of showing so many points of…
The Black String

The Black String

| C- | Austin Film Festival 2018 | This was a very disappointing movie. Some interesting visuals. But in my opinion a terrible story. A slacker who spirals further downward.…
Ghost Light

Ghost Light

| B+ | Austin Film Festival 2018 | A highly amusing movie! Loved Cary Elwes as the actor who doesn’t know how to act, plus several other familiar faces. Excellent…
Beyond the Night

Beyond the Night

| B | Austin Film Festival 2018 | Good movie presenting a supernatural concept in a very grounded world. Well thought out and executed, with a very good six-year-old actor.…
The Dark Red

The Dark Red

| C+ | Austin Film Festival 2018 | An average thriller that went through all the steps it was supposed to, but did not really grab me. It almost seemed…


| A | Austin Film Festival 2018 | Very interesting film that did a great job of balancing science with the unknown/unbelievable. Lots of science, but also lots of character…