Some guy walking a country road is stopped by a sheriff’s deputy. The deputy is the guy’s brother, and the guy just got out of prison (after 13 years). The deputy hesitantly takes the guy home.
While the deputy is at church that night, a woman stops by the house for help–weird things happening in her barn. Turns out she is the woman the guy loved before he went to jail (although she apparently wasn’t that into him). She says the barn has a bright light and odd sounds coming from it.
The guy goes to investigate. But when he returns to the woman he does not explain what he saw! Instead, he suggests sleeping together, so she kicks him out of the car.
Walking home, he is accosted by lights above him. When he gets home, he and his brother go out to investigate. They talk about how the deputy has been seeing that woman for the past six months. They see the lights again. The guy wants to tell everyone but the deputy thinks everyone will think he’s crazy. The guy chooses this moment to pick on him about the woman, so the deputy shoots him.
While the deputy runs home, the brother is dragged somewhere by someone/thing we don’t see. Later, he sits up in the field, completely alive and no bullet holes. The deputy goes back to the original field and finds the brother is not there.
The deputy goes home again and while he is fretting, there are bright lights streaming in his front door. As someone/thing enters, the deputy shoots it. But it turns out to be the woman, his lover. That’s when the ex-dead guy gets home again, sees what happened, and starts running. The deputy chases him.
The End