| B- | Fantastic Fest 2024 |

The acting was excellent. As you would expect from Geoffrey Rush and John Lithgow. And the director’s style was interesting—good composition in many shots, and interestingly surreal when appropriate.

But the story—well, it felt a little off to me though I can’t quite figure out why. Was the pacing a little slow? Was it unbalanced, not sure it it was a one- or two-person story? It didn’t quite gel for me. Interesting to watch, but far from perfect.

On a side note, it did shake me up a bit with its portrayal of the elderly. I intellectually know a lot of people get feeble and need a lot of care near the end of their lives. And are completely dependent on other people (and their kindness). But I haven’t faced it emotionally. This movie forced me to deal with it for 80-ish minutes and I am not looking forward to that period of my life…


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